Archive for the ‘The better half’ Category


Photos, photos

November 1, 2006

Short post here… for peeps who have yet to see the pics from our ROM, here’s the link to view them: 




October 4, 2006

Clock’s ticking.. 1 more day before the official change in status.. marital status that is. And looking through the posts that Jeff has made, I see that preps for our ROM has already been well-covered, complete with pics of the action. Speaking of which, I haven’t done any posting in a long while and when I logged in today to do so, I realised that he has changed the categories for the postings. For those who didn’t notice, it used to be ‘He said’ and ‘She said’, so I was slightly confused when I saw instead ‘The better cook’ and ‘The better half’. Interesting categorization, I thought. So which one should my posts come under? My culinary skills (or lack of) has been a long standing joke/topic of dissent (I refuse to be labelled as ‘cannot cook at all’) between us so intuitively i guessed that ‘The better cook’ category cannot be meant for me. So I have to settle for ‘The better half’ which… ahem… incidentally is quite an accurate label, according to some mutual friends of ours. =)

 Anyway, this aside, I’m glad that he’s settling down nicely in his new job, no doubt it comes with a certain level of stress (new industry, no prior experience, etc) but hey, there’s always tons of things to learn when you land yourself a new job. Can tell that he’s really enthusiastic about his new responsibilities, and then even more so about his new location. If you have been talking to him lately, you are bound to have heard comments like ‘I’ve got Spinelli’s downstairs!’, ‘The banks are really near to my office!’, ‘I’m part of the raffles crowd!’ Heh.. little boys.. =)

Well, time to get some sleep. Tmr’s (or rather today)  slated to be R & R day with a session of mani & pedi packed in before the big event. Yawns. Over and out.


How to tell he’s planning a proposal

August 11, 2006

1. He starts dropping hints of ‘a future life together’, ‘OUR home’, ‘Mr and Mrs Whatever-his-surname-is’… you get the idea.

And he pays close attention to see whether a) you look at him fondly… or b) you retch at what he’s saying.

2. If your reaction is a), proceed to step 3. If b), he’s probably considering some drastic attempts at ending his mortality.

3. He starts paying attention to bling blings when that should have been your job.

4. He starts considering cubic zirconia (whatever that is..).

5. He doesn’t consider cubic zirconia (ok..whatever).

6. He develops a sudden interest in bread and says he wants to live, or rather eat like a French.

7. His bank account registers a sudden and huge (pray hard for that) drop in his savings.

8. He finds it deeply interesting to ask about your favourite places, to recall where you used to go as a dating couple and to check where you would like to be proposed to (big hint there..).

He also checks your opinion of HDB Hub.

9. If you are going on holiday together, be alert for shiny stuff peeking out from among his luggage.

10. Ask yourself: did he mention bringing a money belt for the trip?

11. At this point, your suspicions (or fears? :)) should be more or less confirmed. He may be acting natural and looks like he’s enjoying the trip, but in fact, his eyes are darting all over looking for THE PLACE to carry out THE TASK.

12. Noticed a huge sigh of relief from him? Voila that’s it, he’s finally decided. This is THE MOMENT. Pray hard, take deep breath and… say YES (or no, up to you, no model answer here..)

Disclaimer: Well, that’s not what I did… I mean I did say yes, of course, but Steps 1-12 are purely for your reading pleasure and reference if I may say so, that is, if you did bother to read through everything. 🙂 No photos available to illustrate the above points, but with a wee bit of imagination, you are en route to discovering the grand plot of your better half. Enjoy!


Ta dah..

August 8, 2006

So there.. the other half has gone and gotten a blog.. we can’t guarantee daily updates.. but we’ll definitely try to post at least once a week?! Well anyways, we thought it might be a good way to document significant happenings and to let the blog do what it’s supposed to do.

It’s about 2 mths away from the 1st big thing in our lives. We’ve started on most of the prep I guess but there’s still a couple of things here and there that we haven’t really gotten down to doing/seeing..for e.g. the wedding bands and..err.. other stuff. About the gowns, I tried them on again yesterday just for the thrill of it and realised that tannlines really do not complement the gowns.. sigh seems like I’ll have to look for a sheltered park to run in or alternatively as Jef keeps telling me, to wake up earlier to run. Heh I have been going to run at ECP at 11-ish or so, and ending my jog at midday with the sun happily blasting away. Blame it on the ‘It’s Saturday and I must wake up late’ mindset. Duh.

Right..short post here to get things started. Gotta get cracking with work cos we’re all going off for company lunch later. Yawns.
